stumbled across something that changes the way you do things in such a BIG way?
The new find becomes part of your every day life, and you just can’t remember
how you did things before this wonderfulness came along?
just me. =)
inexplicable urge to share things that I find that change my life. So here
heard of Class dojo?
anymore. It’s been out for a year and a half, maybe 2 years. I have been using
it for about a year now and love it! It has changed the way I keep behavioral
does it do?” might you ask.
It allows you to
have students make icons. Their icons can collect positive and negative points
for making good or bad choices. I love using it on the smart board in my
classroom so it is there as a visual reminder of how many positive or negative
points a child has. At the end of the day it shows a graph of positive and
negative points. Basically it gives you a percentage of good choices and a
percentage of bad choices and shows it to you in graph form! At the end of the
week I send the reports via email to parents so they can see how their child
has done behavior wise for the week. Parents love it because it doesn’t just
focus on the negative behaviors; it shows the positive ones too. Administrators
have been impressed at my IEP meetings because of the wonderful data it can
an app for that! No, seriously. They have apps, so you can put it on your class
iPad, or your personal phone and take it on the go so you can data keep even on
a field trip. =)
people at Class Dojo! They are always working on updates for it, too! You may
have heard of it by now, but if even one person reads this that hasn’t I will
be ecstatic.
know, class dojo is free and I wasn’t paid to share my love of class dojo. I
did it all for you.
if you haven’t! I promise you won’t be disappointed. Click here to go straight to them.
Our district just had a staff development day where we met with the different grade levels across the elementary levels, and one of the teachers was using Class Dojo – he also touted it as the best! 🙂 I'm really going to have to check it out (I used "elf points" in December, but think this is something I could use year round!). Thanks for sharing!
Adventures in Second Grade