I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. Five for Friday Baby.
I’ll be honest. In the summer, days seem to run together. I only knew it was Friday because it is pay day. haha.
I was telling the boyfriend yesterday I wasn’t sure what day it was. His response, Thanks for rubbing it in. =)
Poor man. He has been super stressed between a few different things. He’s managing it well though. I think more than I, he needs a vacation. Thank God it is coming. July 6th we are leaving. Headed to North Carolina for a week, and then Delaware the following week.
1. If you know me, You know that I dabble in baking, and can occasionally boil water, but I don’t cook much. This week, I baked a cake, cooked glazed carrots and baked Chicken. The boyfriend says it was yummy. He is usually brutally honest, so I believe if it was bad I would have heard about it.
3. I got my hair cut and colored. yay! I have gray. Don’t even roll your eyes at me. Seriously I know how it sounds. I’m NOT even 30! I started getting gray when I was 20. Yes. You read that right. 20. It is sad. but I found a wonderful stylist who nicely covers it for me. I go a little blonder with the highlights in the summer, but still have dark underneath. Now, my hair is doing something weird on the left side, so no judgements. ;P
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HI! I LOVE those chevron pockets… I believe you posted you got them on Lakeshore. I couldn't find them on the website 🙁 was it in their store? Hoping to purchase them!!