learning, and basically be your right hand. On the other hand a bad parapro can
make your life harder in many ways. A good parapro is worth their weight in
gold. I’ve had the privileged to work with some amazing Para’s and also was
unlucky to work with a few who were less than stellar.
relationship with your parapro’s? Well, I don’t know the exact recipe, but I’ve
figured out a few things that can help you and head your parapro/teacher
working relationship in the right direction.
It’s important to know your
paraprofessionals personality, as well as your own.
To accomplish this, I had ALL my parapro’s and teachers
take a personality test this past
school year. They thought I was crazy I am sure, but the insight
they are able to give them
into what makes each person tick, allowed me to help motivate them, and
give them
constructive criticism in a way that won’t step on toes or hurt their feelings. You can
find the
personality test I used HERE. I like the break down of how a person is to work with. I’ll use
own personality as an example for you. The test told me I was an ESFJ. According to the
work habits section of the profile, my personality type is sensitive to criticism. And to be
honest with you,
that’s accurate. I do take criticism to heart. No matter how nicely it is done.
So if my boss wanted to
give me constructive criticism, I respond best to being to the desired
behavior, and then I will
typically change my behaviors to align with what is desired. This is
much nicer to me than to say, hey, you
are really lacking here, and I think you need to do
this. I focus on what I am lacking in, and it
takes me much longer to change things.
To me, understanding your co-workers
habits and preferences go a long way to make a great
#FunFact: 8 of the 10
teachers I had take this had the same personality type. Of the
paraprofessionals I had take the quiz,
they all fell within 3 different personality types.
I thought that was telling!
responsibilities are explicitly spelled out.
parapro’s at the beginning of the
side, let them know what your
work they are doing with so and so, let them know. If
any questions, EVEN if you are sure they couldn’t
encouragement, and try to see their
bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, high school
Parapro’s all have different levels of
in working with special needs.
if there is an online class
some parapro’s use
Modules. My
information. Now, not all are willing to go the extra
steps, so
Getting to actually talk your parapro is sometimes
collaborative Google Document. Google Docs let you real
changes, or you know that a
too! Like wise, a parapro
you know data from an inclusion class, or write a reminder to talk to
you about
What are your best tips for working and collaborating with Paraprofessionals? I’d love to
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